The New Tech model will better prepare students for success in the 21st-century by shifting education to an emphasis on deeper learning and thinking, and collaboration with peers, giving students the ability to be innovative and creative in a changing world. Students will leave high school prepared to succeed in college, career, and lifelong learning.
"Historically, school was the place where knowledge that was created and deemed important elsewhere came for distribution to the masses. The responsibility of the student was simply to memorize that body of knowledge as completely as possible. However, if we hope to create schools where students regularly engage in deeper learning then they have to become places capable of generating knowledge, not just disseminating it.
Deeper learning is about something much…well…deeper. Deeper learning is about preparing students for a reality where there are no answers in the back of the book. Deeper learning is about facing the reality that memorizing a tiny sliver of the information available to humans will not equip students to engage the world productively. Deeper learning is about what you do when all the experts in a field disagree about the answer to a problem. Deeper learning is about having the tools to transform an ever-expanding stream of information into meaning that can be applied to future experiences, individually and collectively." Jim May, https://www.gettingsmart.com/2013/05/deeper-leading/
Outcomes that Matter
The five Learning Outcomes are Collaboration, Knowledge and Thinking, Written and Oral Communication, and Agency.
Teaching that Engages
Project-Based Learning (PBL) is the best way for students to demonstrate proficiency on school-wide learning outcomes that requires contextual, creative, and shared learning. Students collaborate on meaningful projects that require critical thinking and creativity, making learning relevant and giving students a purpose for mastering state-required skills and concepts.
Culture that Empowers
Cedar High School promotes a culture of trust, respect, and responsibility encompassing student and professional culture.
Technology that Enables
The Echo Student Management System supports PBL, and with its innovative grade book, aligns deeper learning skills that students will need in their futures.
To learn more about the New Tech model, visit https://newtechnetwork.org/.